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From: Kevlin Henney (Kevlin.Henney_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-07-19 04:58:19

I don't feel like beating this to an even bloodier death than it's already
suffered, so suffice it to say that I don't like the suggested change, I
think it would make shared_ptr less useful, and it is unneccessarily
complicated. Sorry to be so blunt, but I want to stop arguing about it and
thought I should summarize my position before signing off. Plus, it's 104
shade here X-(

   Although I think there is more to this (and more to say on this), I'm
   inclined to agree w/ you wrt progressing the discussion any further. We
   discussed the issue, which was my aim (reworking shared_ptr was not the
   principal aim -- it works well as is).

   I'm not sure that it's so bloody, but in warmer climes things tend to go
   off more quickly ;-) Looking out of my window, the elusive British
   appears to have been and gone (a week or so of high twenties C, has just
   dipped into the teens + cloud).


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