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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-11-27 17:37:47

> I've been thinking about the pimpl problem too. I think it may be the
> death of this suggestion. This is like a huge ham in the butcher window.
> Sure looks tasty, but when the spouse finds out how much you spent on it
> it may be your last meal.

And has anyone done any actual _measurement_ to find out if the supposed
optimization is *really* an optimization? For example, contrary to
assumptions I've seen posted to this list, I would bet that long long is
really best passed by value most of the time. If you have a const T&
parameter and there's a non-inlined function call anywhere in the function's
body, the parameter still has to be reloaded from memory after the call,
where it might otherwise have lived in a register or two.


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