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From: jsiek_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-01-23 19:28:55

Hi Dave,

Dave Abrahams writes:
> Hi! Yes, I did take a look at the example. It sure is a _lot_ of code! The
> question occurs to me whether I'd rather just write out the search
> explicitly. Don't mean to be difficult, here ;)

By a lot of code, are you refering to the just the copy visitor,
or the whole example? There's a lot of other stuff in the example,
especially with regard to setting up the adjacency-list graph
type that will be simpler with the final ggcl version
(Rich Lee is working on that as I type this).

If you're just refering to the copy visitor, I don't see how
it could be any smaller... just a class with a couple constructors
and one global function, the overload of process().


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