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From: Dave Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-03-08 21:32:32

on 3/8/00 8:21 AM, Kevin Atkinson at kevinatk_at_[hidden] wrote:

>> [gee, the raw pointer member rhs is starting to look like it ought to be a
>> std::auto_ptr to me ;)]
> I don't know how serious you are but by pointers are different than
> auto_ptr when ever one of my pointers is assigned to another a copy is
> made. Auto_ptr on the other hand transfers ownership.

I'm actually serious, but I think you misunderstood my intention. I'm
suggesting that your smart pointer should be implemented in terms of
auto_ptr; maybe you should think about using auto_ptr members instead of raw
pointer members.


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