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From: Jaakko Järvi (jaakko.jarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-12 08:23:13


The previous version of LL in the vault was getting oldish.

The biggest changes are:

Headers are structured differently:

tuple.hpp gives just tuples
ll.hpp gives the basics (operators, bind functions, tuples)
ll_all.hpp gives all

As an alternative to ll_all.hpp, exception handling, control
constructs etc. can be included selectively.

Some internal name changes (binder->lambda_functor ...)
and external (create_ptr, create_array -> new_ptr, new_array)
(We do not yet promise backward compatibility :)

operator->* and conditonal expression added

Bugs fixed

And most recently, Peter Dimov noticed that pointer arithmetic didn't
work. It was an omission and is now added. Thanks Peter.

As always, any feedback is appreciated.



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