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From: Reid Sweatman (borderland_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-18 13:13:42

> True. But rather than chop them off we have these nice little adaptors
> called ground lifts. Risky, but often necessary to stop the hum
> in a sound
> system, and when the electrical power to a stage is improperly wired it is
> sometimes safer not to be grounded.

Ah, a fellow rocker! Yeah, our old sound man was a journeyman electrician,
and he always surreptitiously checked out the wiring wherever we played, and
if necessary, rewired sockets to spec (without telling management). Nothing
more annoying than a ground loop that won't go away, and I'll never forget
the night I almost got fried between my mike and keyboard chassis. And to
think, all I needed was an STL adapter <g>.

Reid Sweatman
Software Engineer

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