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From: Thomas Matelich (sosedada_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-31 08:36:49

Kevlin Henney wrote:

> In message <802568EF.00713157.00_at_[hidden]>, Jon Jagger
> <jon.jagger_at_[hidden]> writes
> >Hi,
> >I'm sure it's just me not knowing some obscure corner of C++, but what is a
> >mutable reference?
> >
> It's illegal, which saves having to dream up an interpretation for it
> :->

I've been waiting and waiting for some genius to explain this, so I'll have a
stab at it. Mutable has nothing to do with what data type it modifies, mutable
means that if the object is being accessed via a pointer-to-const, the mutable
member may be modified. Note that a const member function basically says that
"this" is now a pointer-to-const for the const function. More in depth
analysis at:[18.10]

Thomas O Matelich
Senior Software Designer
Zetec, Inc.

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