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From: Jens Maurer (Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-07-12 13:50:17

Beman Dawes wrote:
> If any one knows how to do the following on SourceForge, please let me
> know:

> * Remove all the modules with names in the form "failed*-test-do-not-use".
> * Rename the module "boostcvs" to "boost".
> * Remove the project CVS directories "boost" and "cvs".
> * Rename the directory "boostcvs" to "boost".

I cannot comment on SourceForge, but as far as CVS is concerned, these
problems are outside of its scope. In real life, I would use "rm -rf"
on the CVS repository as required, but SourceForge probably isolates
you from that.

Let me add that renaming files in CVS is usually a bad idea. If you
"copy, delete the original and add the copy", the revision history
is non-contiguous.

Regarding the policy for CVS access, here are a few ideas:
 - Make use of the additional decentralized freedom we have with CVS.
 - Don't increase the chaos too much.

 - Everybody can read
 - Write access is restricted to a limited set of well-known people.
 - Authors of packages have write access to their respective packages.
They are encouraged to fix minor portability or implementation problems
without prior announcement or discussion. Documentation improvements
are also encouraged.
 - Larger changes, which do not yet warrant a formal review, should
be announced on the list a priori. If nobody objects, go ahead.
 - Larger interface changes probably require a formal review, see
the already existing documentation.
 - A global ChangeLog is maintained, which must contain a short
description of each change. This allows the boost library maintainer
(Beman) to extract a change summary for the next release.
 - Additions to config.hpp are submitted to Beman in context diff
format (including a documentation comment) for review regarding
consistent naming etc. Beman can delegate responsibility for some
platforms to "platform maintainers", which may then edit the
respective sections autonomously: Nobody has all compilers.
 - If in doubt, ask Beman or the list how to proceed.
 - Before changing other people's code or documentation, send the
package maintainer a context diff ("cvs diff -u") of what you want to
do and wait for consent.

Jens Maurer

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