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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-07-18 11:10:48

David Abrahams wrote:

>> The local S/F password is working reliably for me, after a rocky start.
>Even after well over 6 hours, it isn't working for me :(
>Any clues?

It's a S/F known issue. Users have been complaining about it for quite
some time.

It worked for Mark Rodgers on his first account. It worked for me on my
third account, but I think I had abandoned the 2nd for unrelated reasons.

A new account was actually OK for me because I wanted to change from user
"Beman" to "beman_dawes". When I first signed up I didn't realize that
what they call the "unix username" is used for identification to others
sometimes, and so is confusing if too cryptic. The only way to change that
was also to set up a new account.


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