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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-08-16 05:32:06


>This looks like a compiler error; padded isn't incomplete as far as I can

If you download the latest cvs source then that should be fixed
(hopefully), this brings me on to another point - testing with compilers
that the library author doesn't necessarily have access to, thoughts that
spring to mind include:

1) set up a "boost compile farm" in a manner similar to sourceforge,
probably this requires more infrastructure support that most boost members
are able to give.
2) automate the compile tests (this in part was why I asked about them
being available via cvs), a shell script something like:

cvs update
cvs commit test_result_files

run nightly would be a useful addition. Again though it requires that
someone with a permanent net connection to be kind enough to set this up!
Likewise although testing the main trunk of the source is useful, often it
would be the branches (containing tentative fixes) that require testing - I
don't see any easy way of dealing with this - it would be possible to cvs a
"control file" containing a list of branches that authors have requested be
tested - but in all likelyhood the test requests could grow unfeasably long
unless some strict management is applied.


- John.

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