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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-08-27 09:28:31

David Abrahams wrote on 8/27/2000 10:20 AM
>Sorry, I meant std::pair<int, int>. What I meant to wonder about was whether
>the standard gives implementors the leeway to write:
>~pair {} // non-trivial dtor
>in the declaration of pair<>.
>That is non-trivial, strictly speaking, right?

Good question. According to 12.4/3 it is non-trivial. But according to it would have the same semantics as an implementation that
provided the trivial (compiler-generated) version.

At this point we probably get into word games...

Bottom line is ~pair<int, int> doesn't (or shouldn't) do anything, no
matter how it is implemented.


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