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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-08-30 13:24:49

> I have uploaded code, tests and docs for a variant value type,
> boost::any, that holds values of arbitrary type:
> Feedback welcome!

I've been working on a similar class. I called it ref<T> (although I like
the name 'any') and it differs from your variant value in the following:

* ref<T> is a polymorphic value type, i.e. you can use op-> on it to access
T's virtual member functions.

* it has operator== and operator< to support std::sort and similar

* it has its own RTTI system and doesn't use (or require) type_info.

* ref<void> is similar to 'any' in functionality.

* It compiles on our all time favorite compiler.

I haven't spend much time on it and I don't think it's ready for submission,
but if there is interest I can upload a work in progress (no docs, no
optimizations - it is not reference counted at the moment and copies are

Peter Dimov
Multi Media Ltd.

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