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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-09-07 06:23:58

> Is it important that ref<T> be an iterator over one object?

No. And it's not important that ref<T> be a function object either.

> What I don't like about the operator-> and operator* for
> this sort of thing is that it is not a pointer, in the
> sense that copying a pointer does not create a copy of the
> object pointed to.

Yes, I don't like this either.

> Without an operator. we do what we
> must, and I find operator() less distasteful.

Like "intuitive", "taste" cannot be defined and leads to never-ending
debates. :)

I'll try to think of a technical reason for or against op-> vs. op(). If
there is none, we can argue over "tastefulness" at great length. :)

Peter Dimov
Multi Media Ltd.

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