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From: jbandela_at_[hidden]
Date: 2000-09-14 10:26:12

I liked the layered iterator concept. However, other than a name
change, I do not see what it really adds to token_iterator. As I
looked at token_iterator, I realized it is a bad name. It is actually
a bad name. token_iterator and concept, is actually a generalized
concept of a layered forward iterator that depends on a transforming

The VTL is neat, but I believe it suffers from coupling the
view/container/iterator concept, too close to the algorithm that
produces them. Thus you have a different view for each manipulating

What I propose is a family of layered iterators based on various
(input/forward, bidirectional, and random).

The Forward Layer Iterator is are refinement of input/forward
depending on what the underlying iterator is.

It depends on

bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
TransformedType& out)

which is basically the Tokenizer Concept

Next we have Bidirectional Layered Iterator which is a refinement of
both Bidirectional Iterator and Forward Layered Iterator.

For ++ it uses the same function as Forward Layer Iterator uses
For -- it uses
bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
iterator begin, TransformedType& out)

This has roughly the same semantics as TokenizerFunc but finds the
previous transformed "token"

Finally we have Random Layered Iterator which is a refinement of
Bidirectional Layered Iterator
For + and += and - and -= it uses

bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
iterator begin, int n, TransformedType& out)

which has roughly the same semantics as the previous functor, except
that n specifies the distance and the sign of n specifies the

Now we have several concepts related to TransformFunc
They are grouped by Layered Iterator support, and underlying iterator

They are

I. Forward, X
These all implement

bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
iterator begin, TransformedType& out)

X is the underlying iterator. THe most restrictive is input, the most
permissive is random. A TransformFunc that can work with input
underlying iterator, can also work with forward,bidirectional, and

II. Bidirectional,X
Refinement of Forward,X
also implements

bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
iterator begin, TransformedType& out)

It can work with both Bidirectional Layered Iterator and Forward
Layered Iterator, the underlying iterator must at least be of type
X, and it will work with more refined iterators than type X (if X is
input, it will also work with forward,bidi,random)

III. Random, X
Refinement of Forward,X
also implements

bool TransformFunc::operator()(iterator& current, iterator end,
iterator begin, int n, TransformedType& out)

It can work with Random Layered Iterator,Bidirectional Layered
Iterator, and Forward Layered Iterator. The underlying iterator must
at least be of type X, and it will work with more refined iterators
than type X (if X is input, it will also work with

Thus we have orthagonality between Layered Iterators and the 
TransformFunc's they depend on.
A Random,Input TransformFunc can be used with every Layered Iterator
token_iterator is an example of Forward Layered Iterator
punct_space_tokenizer is an example of Forward,Input TransformFunc
By using this method, we decouple the iterator functionality from the 
filtering/transforming functionality and thus can achieve greater 
Sorry about the long post, but tell me what you think
John R. Bandela

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