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From: Moore, Paul (paul.moore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-05 03:51:43

From: Jeff Squyres [mailto:jsquyres_at_[hidden]]
> I think Dan said it best in his followup message:
> I think distributing a .zip file that doesn't extract to a
> subdirectory is a good idea also, that is what Windows users
> expect from .zip files.

Not all Windows users. I prefer files which unpack into a single
subdirectory. But I'd argue that anyone who unzips (un-targz's) a file
without listing its contents and checking *first* probably deserves whatever
they get...

But it really isn't a big deal, whatever.


PS Whoever pointed out that unzip programs usually have a "ignore the
directory" flag, missed the point - this flag ignores ALL directories,
flattening the file structure totally - it does not just omit the top-level
directory. As such, the flag is pretty useless, in practice...

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