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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-10-16 10:17:37

David Abrahams wrote:

>I'm an STLport expert, but I've not been able to figure out how to run
>regression tests properly. Instructions would be appreciated ;-)

Well, it is highly OS dependent. For Windows 2000, I use regr.bat (which
in turn calls boostenv.bat, both are attached):

    cd \boost\regr
    regr // runs all compilers, all tests
    regr * config/config_test.cpp // config_test on all compilers
    regr bcc // Borland only, all tests
    regr cw config/config_test.cpp // CodeWarrior only, config_test only

The .bat files are attached.

Be sure to run in a scratch directory (I use boost\regr) because the
compiles leave the directory littered with unwanted files.

Hope this helps,


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