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From: Kevlin Henney (kevlin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-11-21 12:47:04

In message <8ve7cr+b136_at_[hidden]>, Daniel Frey <d.frey_at_[hidden]> writes
>I see. The basic lexical_cast should be clean and easy and I don't
>like making it too complex.

Having tried a couple of approaches to parameterisation, it is
surprisingly easy to make lexical_cast less simple and more awkward to
use. I'm of the opinion that reverting to stringstreams directly is
preferable in many cases.

>Also, I'd like to see lexical_cast in the
>public release of the boost library rather sooner than later and I
>definitely don't want to be the one who defers the release.


Speaking of which... Beman, when is the next available reviewing slot
for the casts?


  Kevlin Henney phone: +44 117 942 2990
  Curbralan Limited mobile: +44 7801 073 508
  mailto:kevlin_at_[hidden] fax: +44 870 052 2289

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