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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-02-16 13:44:03

--- In boost_at_y..., Ronald Garcia <rgarcia4_at_c...> wrote:
> rather than using three or four letter acronyms, couldn't the
> libraries be referred to as "boost::python", or "boost::thread".
> perhaps that's not short enough, or the idea of having colons in the
> name could be problematic (do search engines have problems with
> colons?) if not less than aesthetically pleasing. Just a thought.

I had actually considered using B::TL or B:TL to avoid clashes with
outside libraries. This still leaves us with (possible) clashes
internally, but it's better. Your suggestion is a good alternative,
though it seems to convey a C++ namespace that doesn't exist.

Bill Kempf

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