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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-03-12 07:32:38

>(I moved the "const" to follow the type, since that always works[1].) Is
>there some subtle point of macro definitions that keeps this from working,
>or did we make a silly oversight? If it was an oversight, can we change
>macro to this form? Yes, I know that I'm asking for an incompatible
>but the macro is only a few days old, so I don't think that there's too
>code to change. Within Boost 1.21.0 itself, the macro (name) appears 207
>times in 12 files. It could be updated in approximately a day, probably
>a team of people with CVS write access. (I'll change them if you guys
>insist, but I would have to send Beman a ZIP file to merge into CVS.)

[ long and painful screams snipped ]

I've just finished changing all my use of that macro from the three arg
form back to the two arg form. Sorry I don't want to make another
pointless change all over again - what difference does it make anyway?

- John Maddock

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