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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-04-02 13:33:37

At 02:03 PM 4/2/2001, Jeremy Siek wrote:

>On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Beman Dawes wrote:
>bdawes> Keep examples like std::basic_string<> in mind. It tried to make

>all users
>bdawes> happy, even though needs and wants varied a great deal. The
>bdawes> general unhappiness.
>It seems to me that this example shows why we need a generative approach.
>basic_string couldn't make all users happy because it was just one class.
>As with string, the needs and wants of mutex users vary a great deal. If
>we don't have a generative system, we can't meet these varied needs.

We don't have to meet varied needs, particularly right away. It might be
better to concentrate on doing a really good job of meeting some subset of
the varied needs, and then go on later to a larger set.

In any case, we need to have a way to discourage most users from using some
features. For example, semaphores are known to be more dangerous than
alternatives. How do we direct users away from such features?


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