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From: David Abrahams (abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-04-03 21:48:51

----- Original Message -----
From: "Beman Dawes" <bdawes_at_[hidden]>
To: <boost_at_[hidden]>; <boost_at_[hidden]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [boost] Running the gauntlet to report bugs

> At 02:41 PM 4/3/2001, David Abrahams wrote:
> >One question: should we set up the other lists (tech support request and
> >feature request)? Right now there is a message saying that you'll get
> >better
> >response by using the yahoogroups list, because I didn't think I could
> >count
> >on boost contributors to subscribe to boost-tech/boost-features mailing
> >lists on which new tracker threads would be announced.
> If I understand correctly, you are saying that boost developers would have
> to subscribe to three lists to get support requests and feature
> requests. That does seem counter productive. It is a pain for
> and feature requests it might be better if they went to the main list
> anyhow.

Well, we could just send all bugs/tech-support/feature-request to a single
boost-developer list.

> > I would have had new
> >threads posted directly to this list, but I don't seem to be able to
> >subscribe the sourceforge email bot (noreply_at_[hidden]) to our
> >without confirmation so that it may post.
> One trick would be to relay the message through some boost volunteer's
> email program (using the filter and forward feature in some email
> programs). But that would probably be a failure prone kludge. Is asking
> yahoogroups for help hopeless?

Maybe not; I don't know.

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