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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-05-01 06:15:56

>Thank you John! I think my problem was I was thinking of sub-expressions
>a sequence of strings, but in boost/regex each subexpression is treated as

>a series of characters, rather than a string. That string converter is
>quite handy, and I'm sure if I were more fluent with templates and
>iterators I could have picked it out of the docs. But as it stood I just
>got confused.

Fair enough, BTW I forgot to mention there is a high level wrapper class
called RegEx that does work only on strings.

>By the way, any reason the iterators are called 'first' and 'second',
>instead of 'begin' and 'end', or something similar? I'm not trying to
>nitpick, but since I expect them to be called begin and end, and they're
>not, I'm guessing there's something I'm not looking at the 'right' way.

to match std::pair, however I take your point, this could have been make
more like a psuedo-container with begin() end() access methods etc.

- John Maddock

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