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From: joel de guzman (joel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-05-21 00:12:35

Hello there,

Spirit is an object oriented recursive descent parser generator framework
implemented using template meta-programming techniques. Expression templates
allow us to approximate the syntax of Extended Backus Normal Form (EBNF)
completely in C++. The Spirit framework enables a target grammar to be
written exclusively in C++. EBNF grammar specifications can mix freely with
other C++ code and, thanks to the generative power of C++ templates, are
immediately executable. In retrospect, conventional compiler-compilers or
parser-generators have to perform an additional translation step from the
source EBNF code to C or C++ code.

I wonder if anyone out there would be interested in such a beast.
If anyones's interested, I'd be very glad to boostify the code
and collaborate with people.

The documentation and source code can be found at
I would appreciate feedback and comments.

Joel de Guzman

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