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From: Paul Baxter (paul_baxter_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-20 03:52:00

Hi Daryle,

> I tried to make the regression test at BOOST_ROOT/status/regression.cpp
> on my Mac, using Metrowerks CodeWarrior Pro 5.3, but I ran into a snag.

Is there any chance that you could upgrade to a newer version of Code

The reason I ask is there has been quite a lot of bandwidth taken up with
v5.3 problems over recent months and alot of avoidable problems in your
library submission to Boost brought about by v5.3 problems now fixed in 6.x.

I am a long sufferring MSVC 5 user and am in exactly the same boat (looking
forward to gcc 3 maturing) but don't feel it appropriate for Boost to
support my compiler as it has enough problems with version 6 !

Paul Baxter

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