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From: Ray.Chu_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-07-02 09:46:01

I'm having troubles to make regex library in boost_1_22_0 on OS:

HP-UX B.10.20 E

using compiler:

aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.01.18

I've added "#undef RWSTD_NO_NAMESPACE" in /opt/aCC/include/stdcomp.h
and "using namespace std;" in c_regex_traits.cpp to resolve the
compiling errors that have something to do with namespace, and was
successful in generating c_regex_traits.o, c_regex_traits_common.o
and cpp_regex_traits.o.

Here are the remaining compiling errors:


> aCC -DHPUX_SOURCE -g -I../../../ -c ../src/cregex.cpp

Error 342: "../../../boost/regex/detail/regex_split.hpp", line 39 #
Incomplete declarations may not have internal linkage.
       static const charT expression_text[] =
{ '\\', 's', '+', '\00', };

Error 419: "/usr/include/sys/dirent.h", line 32 # 'ino_t' is used as
a type, but has not been defined as a type.
          ino_t d_ino; /* file number of entry */
Error 328: "../../../boost/regex/detail/fileiter.hpp", line 245 #
Function '__assert' has not been defined yet; cannot call.
          assert(node >= file->_first);
Error 328: "../../../boost/regex/detail/fileiter.hpp", line 246 #
Function '__assert' has not been defined yet; cannot call.
          assert(node < file->_last);
Error 738: "../src/cregex.cpp", line 377 # Template deduction failed
to find a match for the call to 'operator !='.
       while(start != end)
Error 738: "../src/cregex.cpp", line 405 # Template deduction failed
to find a match for the call to 'operator !='.
       while(start != end)
Error 738: "../src/cregex.cpp", line 466 # Template deduction failed
to find a match for the call to 'operator -'.
          return pdata->fm[i].matched ? pdata->fm[i].first - pdata-
>fbase : (unsigned int)-1;
Error 738: "../src/cregex.cpp", line 510 # Template deduction failed
to find a match for the call to 'operator -'.
          return pdata->fm[i].matched ? pdata->fm[i].second - pdata-
>fm[i].first : (unsigned)-1;
Error 738: "../src/cregex.cpp", line 539 # Template deduction failed
to find a match for the call to 'operator !='.
          if(pos != pdata->strings.end())



What is the status of making regex library using HP C++ compiler? Is
there any work-around to make it successful?


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