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From: williamkempf_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-07-12 14:43:26

--- In boost_at_y..., Christian Thäter <chth_at_g...> wrote:
> > * difficult/inefficient to make thread safe.
> nothing in the standard library is thread-safe in sense of
concurrent writes, u cann't even share an auto_ptr between threads.
> i think C++ lacks of some threading API or at least some atomic
test&set operations to do so.

You miss the point. Yes, the C++ standard does not mention threads
at all. However, many platforms have MT capabilities in C++ despite
this. Implementations of any concept that are difficult to make MT
safe on such platforms are questionable implementations. This may be
especially true for Boost once we have Boost.Threads.

Bill Kempf

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