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From: scleary_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-08-25 08:29:07

> > int_traits::is_zero(x) -- returns true if x == 0
> > int_traits::is_positive(x) -- returns true if x >= 0
> > int_traits::is_odd(x) -- returns true if (x % 2) == 1
> These predicates are not integer specific but number specific.
> If something like this is done it should be applicable to any
numeric type.

is_zero and is_positive, I would agree. I would argue that is_odd is
integer specific, since !is_odd implies is_even.

This is why I said 'numeric/integer traits' in my post. Some of
these are applicable to more than just integers.


P.S. Sorry about the multiple copies of my other message...

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