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From: Fisher; Damien Kaine (dfisher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-09-24 21:33:37

I disagree.

Parsing a simple XML document is easy, and your right, a CS student could
do it.

But, as with all W3C specs, doing the whole thing is a little bit
messier. Maybe a 3rd year CS student's level :).

The main problem is not that the coding is difficult - it is not. But I
have never come across an XML parser whose interface I was really happy
with. They are all a little messy.

The other thing is the "extra" stuff production XML parsers really have to
include - XSLT transforms, etc. And these have to be pretty high

I have done a lot of work with this stuff and I would be quite interested
in contributing to this if it goes ahead.

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, Daryle Walker wrote:

> on 9/24/01 7:29 PM, Jens Maurer at Jens.Maurer_at_[hidden] wrote:
> > Damien Fisher wrote:
> >>
> >> Well...why isn't there an XML parser in boost?
> >
> > Because nobody has written one and offered it for inclusion
> > into boost. Feel free to do so.
> I was just thinking about this right before reading this message. I heard
> that XML was supposed to be designed so a CS student could write a parser
> within a week. (I guess this means just enough to check for well-formed
> files, and not validation nor all the whiz-bang stuff like XSL, XPath,
> Schema, XQuery, etc.)
> Let me think about this a little more....
> --
> Daryle Walker
> Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie
> darylew AT mac DOT com
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