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From: JBrunen_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-11-05 06:06:47


I have problems linking with the following configuration:

Win32 VC 6.0 SP5
STLPort 4.5 beta 1 / 31.10.2001
Example tennis.cpp

At first I build the thread library with the recent build system
update and the msvc-stlport-tools.jam file with these entries:

feature stlport-iostream : off ;
feature stlport-version : 4.5 ;

I used the following environment:
export TOOLS=msvc-stlport
export STLPORT_ROOT_4_5=D:/_2235/Comp/STLport/stlport
export BUILD="debug release"
export PROJECT_ROOT=D:/Temp/boost/boost_1_25_0

From within the boost/libs/thread directory I started jam:
jam -f../../../tools/build/allyourbase.jam

This worked pretty well. Then I created a console application with
the MS IDE using the following settings: _STLP_NO_NEW_IOSTREAMS,
_STLP_DEBUG and the tennis.cpp example. After adding an include of
string the compilation doesn't fail. However, I got unresolved
external symbols:

main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public:
__thiscall boost::thread::thread(class thread::function0<void,struct
boost::empty_function_policy,struct boost::empty_function_mixin,class
_STL::allocator<class boost::function_base> > const &)" (??
Debug/Threads.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

Threads.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

The problem occurred in debug as well as in release build. I linked
against the Debug/.../libboost_thread.lib and
Release/.../libboost_thread.lib, respectively.

Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can solve it. Is there
a problem with my configuration?

Yours sincerely

Johannes Brunen

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