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From: Bill Seymour (bill-at-the-office_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-29 11:16:53

Peter Dimov wrote:
> ... every programmer needs to realize, sooner or later,
> that when the specification of type X says that ++x may
> return void, then it really may return void ...

In accordance with what I've heard called the "principle
of least surprise," isn't it important that overloaded
operators do the same kinds of things that they do for
built-in types?

This isn't just for the benefit of novices. As one who
likes his code to be as self-documenting as possible
[but no more 8-)], if

  void increment();

is what I mean, then that's really what I'd rather write.
IMO, the extra keystrokes are a Good Thing.

--Bill Seymour

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