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From: peter.nordlund_at_[hidden]
Date: 2001-12-04 18:14:26

Hi Gennadiy, Mattias and others,

I have tried to address some of Gennadiy's suggestions.
The ones I think that I have solved, I have mentioned
in Gennadiy's text below.
I have uploaded a zip-file in the directory SingletonWithManager.

If someone is interested in my suggested solution I will put
more work into it.

Best regards,

--- In boost_at_y..., "Gennadiy E. Rozental" <rogeeff_at_m...> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am also looking in this direction for some time now. Here what I
> think we need to make a really reusable singleton. The singleton
> design should be able to adopt following design desision made by user:
> 1. Way the singleton is instantiated. Possible variations:
> a. Static pointer as class member
> b. Static pointer as local variable in some method
> c. static variable as class member
> d. Static variable as local variable in some method
> e. Static variable in implementation file
> g. Variable in thread-specific storage
> and couple more

1. a,b

> 2. When singleton is created:
> a. automatically before main
> b. automatically in static memory at the point of first access
> d. automatically in dynamic memory at the point of first access
> c. mannually by user
> and couple more

2. a,b,d

> 3. How singleton is created
> a. using default constructor
> b. using non defaull constructor (how?)
> could be more

3. a

> 4. Way the singleton is accessed
> a. by pointer
> b. by const pointer
> c. by reference
> d. by const reference
> e. counting reference

4. c,d

> 5. Way the singleton is destroyed
> a. automatically after exit from main
> b. manually by user
> c automatically if not used

5. a,b

> 6. How to manage destruction several coworking singletons
> a. do not manage it
> b. make it in specified sequence
> c sinchronized

6. a,b

> 7. Syncronization policy: how and what to sinchronize
> a. do not synchronize at all
> many more alternatives
> 8. Number of times singleton could be instantiated
> a. One time
> b. Many times - phoenix singleton

8. a,b

> This is what I have right away. It seems that there are couple more
> dissisions to adopt. I do not have time now to work on it. Do you
> think it reasonable challenge?
> Enjoy,
> Gennadiy.
> --- In boost_at_y..., Mattias Flodin <flodin_at_c...> wrote:
> > Good day.
> >
> > Having caught interest in boost, I've been reading the boost
> mailing lists
> > for some time to get the general atmosphere of the discussions
> going on,
> > and try to get a view of what is currently being worked on. So far,
> this
> > has mostly concerned the thread and bind components.
> >
> > Since I'm sure this is not the only work currently in progress, I
> don't
> > find it too ignorant of me to ask if there is some kind of list
> being
> > maintained of the elements that are currently pending for addition,
> > or what items that have already been brought up for discussions but
> deemed
> > uninteresting for boost.
> >
> > The reason I ask is that I have, in a rather short time, been able
> to
> > write down a surprising number of things that could be of interest
> to the
> > library. Just as one might find certain designs strange at first
> sight
> > (but then realize why it is so after reading the design rationale),
> I find
> > it strange that some of these things seem to not yet have caught the
> > interest of boosters.
> >
> > So, after having made this request for a "work in progress" /
> > "intentionally left out components" list, I hope you will forgive
> me if I
> > now bring up a question that has already been discussed (or is even
> > pending addition to the libraries):
> >
> > How about a singleton class for boost? This is one of the most
> simple
> > design patters, and can rather easily be implemented using
> templates. Just
> > as the smart pointer, there may be a need for different variants, to
> > handle the lifetime of the singleton in different ways.
> >
> > I propose, to begin with, a singleton with no inherent
> instantiation,
> > because it allows the most general handling of lifetime (the user
> > instantiates it himself - but is not allowed to make two
> instantiations).
> > There would be two functions: one to get a reference to the object,
> and
> > the other to obtain a pointer to the same object. The former would
> throw
> > an exception or fail an assertion if the singleton has not yet been
> > instantiated, whereas the latter would simply return a null pointer.
> >
> > To give you a more in-depth view of what I'm looking for, some code
> that
> > I've been using follows; the implementation may of course need some
> work.
> > Also see
> >
> report/cppr9606.c.vlissides.html
> > for some more discussion on the subject. If there is interest in
> this
> > component, I will try to research it a little more and write up a
> more
> > complete submission (with some initial documentation etc).
> >
> > If you are not interested in the code you may stop reading here.
> >
> > template <typename T>
> > class singleton {
> > public:
> > singleton()
> > {
> > assert(instance_==0);
> >
> > char* p=reinterpret_cast<char*>(this);
> > p-=(int)(singleton*)(T*)(1) - 1;
> > instance_=reinterpret_cast<T*>(p);
> > }
> >
> > static T& get()
> > {
> > assert(instance_!=0);
> > return *instance_;
> > }
> >
> > static T* getptr()
> > {
> > return instance_;
> > }
> >
> > private:
> > static T* instance_;
> > };
> >
> > Regards,
> > Mattias
> >
> > --
> > Mattias Flodin <flodin_at_c...> "A good thing about C++ is that only
> > Room D418 friends can access your private
> parts"
> > Department of Computing Science
> > Umeå University
> > S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
> > Note: Any opinions expressed in this mail are personal, and do not
> > necessarily reflect an official standpoint of Umeå University.

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