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From: Gavin Oliver (gavin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-12-06 08:12:49

Yep, I'm letting regex pick the library for me.

Thanks for the tip about _STL & _STLD - I didn't know that (this is the
first time I've used STLport). I'll start looking over the project with a
fresh eye towards working out why the release STLport is being linked
against the debug regex library.

At one point, I did try specifying which versions of the STLPort & regex
libs to link against. I know I specified the correct debug versions for
both STLPort & regex at that time. However, as I couldn't find (at the
time) where to turn off regex automatically picking the library for me, I
ended up with some 90-odd linker error messages about duplicate objects etc.
But at the end of all the messages, it still gave me the exact same linker
messages about unresolved externals.

I will try setting up STLport and regex on another machine. Although I
don't see how this could be machine-specific, I guess it wouldn't hurt to
double check?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Maddock [mailto:John_Maddock_at_[hidden]]
Sent: Thursday, 6 December 2001 11:55 PM
To: INTERNET:boost_at_[hidden]
Subject: RE: [boost] Regex linker errors with vc6 sp5 & stlport 4.5.1

>I followed the STLPort instructions to the letter when I compiled the
>library. I went back over the instructions for the STLPort three times
>(installing from scratch each time), as well as recompiled the regex
>libraries multiple times before I email this group.

OK, sorry.

The error messages suggest that you are mixing debug and release runtime
libs somehow - remember that STLport puts release and debug versions in
different namespaces (_STL and _STLD), so that could be the cause of your
problem - I don't know what would cause that though - I take it you are
letting regex select the libs itself rather than adding a specific lib to
your project?

- John Maddock

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