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From: joel de guzman (djowel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-17 07:00:00

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vladimir Prus"

> The only question is if Spirit will make any much difference for users that
> will justify making it a requirement. Yes, David Greene expressed a wish for
> an elaborated command line syntax, but it remains to be decided if it can'be
> be supported without using full-blown parser.

That's exactly what David Held meant by reinventing
the wheel. We have the functionality here and now.

> > Also, forgive me but why isn't nondeterministic RD not
> > acceptable for parsing command lines?
> Becase command line syntax can be ambiguious. Checking for those ambiguities
> and *documented* resolution of those resolvable are a must. Can
> nonterministic parsing give me that?

I don't see a reason why not. I think you got this one incorrectly.
You are looking at the parser while instead you should be looking
at the parser generated by the parser. Your grammar should be
the one to allow / disallow and check / ignore ambiguity.


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