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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-20 17:13:56

At 07:49 AM 1/20/2002, Samuel Krempp wrote:

>Now that I think there is a better candidate than '%', I'll add some
>arguments for 'operator[]' in the doc. but it's rather a matter of
>taste, so I'm not sure I will be able to convince people with only a few

I'm sorry. I just find:

    cout << format("writing %3, x=%1 : %2-th try") % 40.23 % 50 % "toto";

to be a lot easier to write and read than:

    cout << format("writing %3, x=%1 : %2-th try") [40.23] [50] ["toto"];

I have the sense that Ed's operator[] suggestion would solve some technical
problems, but it just plain looks too ugly to me.

What do others think?


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