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From: Aleksey Gurtovoy (alexy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-01-29 16:40:28

David Abrahams wrote:
> I recently discovered that nontype template parameters other
> than integers are much better supported across compilers
> than I had previously expected, so now I'm on the lookout
> for uses.

And there are plenty of them - pointers to (member) functions as non-type
template parameters are indeed unexpectedly cool and useful :). For example,
here is a simple application of a compile-time state machine generator we've
wrote recently:

    class player
        : state_machine<player>
        typedef player self_t;
        // state invariants
        void stopped_state_invariant();
        void playing_state_invariant();
        void paused_state_invariant();

        // states
        typedef state<0, &self_t::stopped_state_invariant> stopped;
        typedef state<1, &self_t::playing_state_invariant> playing;
        typedef state<2, &self_t::paused_state_invariant> paused;

        // events
        struct start_event;
        struct stop_event;
        struct pause_event;
        struct resume_event;

        // transition functions
        bool do_start(start_event const&);
        bool do_stop(stop_event const&);
        bool do_pause(pause_event const&);
        bool do_resume(resume_event const&);
        // transitions, in the following format:
        // | current state | event | next state | transition function |
        friend class state_machine<player>;
        typedef boost::mpl::list<
              transition<stopped, start_event, playing, &self_t::do_start>
            , transition<playing, stop_event, stopped, &self_t::do_stop>
            , transition<playing, pause_event, paused, &self_t::do_pause>
            , transition<paused, resume_event, paused, &self_t::do_resume>
>::type transition_table;

    // event definitions
    struct player::start_event
        : player::event

    // ...
    int main()
        return 0;

IMO, a programming language that allows you to do something like this is
cool by definition :).


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