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From: Sofus Mortensen (list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-07 15:26:43

I think I may have worked around the INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR for
tuples.hpp and MSVC7.0.

I accomplished this by "inlining" the add_reference implementation in
tuples::detail::element_ref and tuples::detail::element_const_ref. See
details below.

After applying the fix BGL also appears to be working on MSVC7.

Best regards,
Sofus Mortensen

tuple_basic_no_partial_spec.hpp, line 247:

    namespace detail {

                template <bool x>
                struct reference_adder
                        template <class T>
                        struct rebind
                                typedef T& type;

                template <>
                struct reference_adder<true>
                        template <class T>
                        struct rebind
                                typedef T type;

      // Return a reference to the Nth type of the given Tuple
      template<int N, typename Tuple>
      struct element_ref
        typedef typename element<N, Tuple>::RET elt_type;
                  enum { is_ref = is_reference<elt_type>::value };

// typedef typename add_reference<elt_type>::type RET;
reference_adder<is_ref>::rebind<elt_type>::type RET;
        typedef RET type;

      // Return a const reference to the Nth type of the given Tuple
      template<int N, typename Tuple>
      struct element_const_ref
        typedef typename element<N, Tuple>::RET elt_type;
                  enum { is_ref = is_reference<elt_type>::value };

                  typedef reference_adder<is_ref>::rebind<const
elt_type>::type RET;
// typedef typename add_reference<const elt_type>::type RET;
        typedef RET type;

    } // namespace detail

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