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From: nbecker_at_[hidden]
Date: 2002-03-08 15:33:50

>>>>> "rwgk" == rwgk <rwgk_at_[hidden]> writes:

    rwgk> --- In boost_at_y..., "Peter Dimov" <pdimov_at_m...> wrote:
>> From: "Howard Hinnant" <hinnant_at_t...>
>> > Meanwhile vector<double> v(10, uninitialized_flag) breaks no
    rwgk> vector
>> > invariants. The vector is destructible. The vector elements can
    rwgk> be
>> > assigned into. If your hardware doesn't mind (mine doesn't), you
    rwgk> can
>> > even assign from this uninitialized vector. I can't think of a
    rwgk> reason
>> > why you would want to do that though.
>> You can't v.insert(v.begin(), 5.0) because copying the
    rwgk> uninitialized doubles
>> is undefined behavior. The insert() preconditions do not say that
    rwgk> you can't.
>> Something is wrong. :-)

    rwgk> In my mind

    rwgk> vector<double> vec(100000, uninitialized_flag());

    rwgk> means these things:

    rwgk> 1. I do not want to waste time for something that I am
    rwgk> absolutely sure I do not need (the default construction)
    rwgk> because

    rwgk> 2. I am about to fill the memory with the given number
    rwgk> of elements by some other facility, and

    rwgk> 3. I am taking responsibility and I have read the
    rwgk> documentation for uninitialized_flag() which told me
    rwgk> to initialize the memory before doing /anything/ else
    rwgk> with it.

    rwgk> Being safe by default is great, but IMO forcing everyone to
    rwgk> waste time only to be safe under any conceivable eventuality
    rwgk> is misguided and may be one of the reasons why C++ still has
    rwgk> a bad reputation among many (non-computer) scientists.

I completely agree. That's one reason I have not really understood
all of the conversation on this subject (the other being that some of
it is over my head). I get the impression that much discussion has
been on how to prevent undefined things from happening if I use
unitialized memory. I was under the impression that I couldn't care
less what happens. That's a programming error. Too bad. If it
segfaults, that's a good thing.

Or maybe I misunderstood.

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