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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-12 21:08:19

At 02:50 PM 3/12/2002, David Abrahams wrote:

>Ralf and I have authored this paper for the upcoming C++ committee


Nits: Add the date, ISO project name (Programming Language C++) and contact
names below the document number.

Make the reference to, module Boost.Python, a hyperlink.

Substantive additional motivation:

By allowing constructors, and thus ensuring initialization to a valid
state, "Enhanced POD" encourages safer programming practices. Right now
certain classes (endian arithmetic, for example) are often designed without
constructors so that they can be used in contexts requiring POD's. This is
neither as safe or convenient as if these classes had constructors.

Presumably many of the contexts now requiring POD's will be relaxed to
require only enhanced POD's. In particular, it would be very helpful if the
requirements on implementations for POD's in 3.9 paragraphs 2-4 could also
apply to Enhanced POD types.


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