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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-19 08:08:16

rameysb wrote:
> Fellow programmers
> I have just uploaded draft # 2 of my proposal for a boost library to
> address saving and restoring of C++ objects.


> In addition to the original list of requirements (see below), and in
> reponse to comments from boost members, I have implemented the
> following enhancements:
> 1) Archives are derived from a base class with virtual functions.
> This allows applications to implement custom archive formats. The
> library contains support for archives in character text, native
> binary data, and wide character text.

Great. However, suppose I want to serialize data as xml. Do I have a way to
do it? I'm not sure if "basic_iarchive" is a good name. It links in my mind
with basic_string/basic_istream &c. where "basic" means something

> 2) More checking has been implemented to detect erroneas library usage
> 3) Archives no longer need to store class names. This makes them
> smaller and portable across platforms.

I'm missing something and can't easily find it from the code. How the
association between classes and class-ids in the stored file is maintained?

> 4) Archives have a header to detect cases of erroneas usage.
> 5) Objects serialized through pointers no longer require a default
> constructor. Any constructor can be supported. This implies that
> const values and references can be saved and restored for objects
> serialized through pointers.
> 6) System should function on platorms that fail to properly implement
> partial ordering for function templates (e.g MSVC 6)
> 7) library, test and demo build and function properly on MINGW as
> well as MSVC 7.0
> 8) More complete documentation.

There's one more problem that I've spotted. With virtual base classes your
code attempts to save a base twice when serializing the most derived class in
a dimond hierarchy. I'll send you an example in a private e-mail.

Another problem is that strings cannot be serialized, at least in some
context. Example will be emailed to you.

Some minor nits:

1. Should
be replaced with just

2. Looks like your source uses tabs, which is contracty to Boost requirements.

3. Class 'archive_exception' is better be derived from std::exception.

4. reference documentation is shown up incorrectly in my broser and shows a lot of errors.

5. reference documentation in some places says
by it should be
Moreover, inside "save" method it should be
        *static_cast<const base*>(this)

- Volodya

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