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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-20 11:13:03

At 09:35 AM 3/20/2002, Brey, Edward D wrote:
>> From: Beman Dawes [mailto:bdawes_at_[hidden]]
>> Like all I/O, directory operations are subject to unexpected
>> errors. Consider the following assert, which may fail even in a
>> non-threaded environment:
>> assert( exists( "foo" ) == exists( "foo" ) );
>> I don't see anything to do about these problems except to
>> warn people that
>> the problems may occur.
>> Does anyone have a better idea?
>I think the answer is to rely on the built-in atomic capabilities of the
>operating system. For example, when you proposed, IIRC,
>void remove_if_exists(string file) {
> if (exists(file))
> remove(file);
>this thought came to mind, because I assumed that we were just ignoring
>issue for sake of simplicity of conversation. To eliminate the race
>condition, one would really implement it more like this:
>void remove_if_exists(string file)
> switch (error_type os_specific error = os_specific_remove(file))
> {
> default: throw file_exception(os_specific_error);
> case success:
> case file_does_not_exist:
> }
>Am I right in understanding that a function like Win32 DeleteFile can be
>counted on to serialize its operations with other OS operations that
>the same file, so that if it says that the file does not exist at remove
>time, then that truly is the case?

While a quality implementation can (and should) minimize the chance of race
conditions by using atomic operations where possible, I don't see how we
can specify that as a requirement. Remember that the file involved might
be on a very remote network, odd-ball physical device, use an unusual file
system driver, etc.

>I think that you're remove_if_exists idea is a great way to handle the
>common case of not caring whether a deleted file was present without
>to resort to the error-prone ways of old of returning a (too often
>incorrectly left unchecked) success/failure code.

Well, it wasn't entirely my idea; it was also suggested by Rob Stewart


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