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From: Gennadiy Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-21 13:07:13


While reading LL docs I am got following questions:

1. 4.3.: What is the reason for this restriction? Why 1 is non-const rvalue?

2. How difficult will be to make library more flexible in terms of max arity. Could we use BPL, code generator or some other means to be able to have to than 3 args?

3. 5.1: Is there way to explicitely define lambda function as local function. I.e.:

void foo() {
   ?? F = _1 + _2;

   F( i, j );

3. 5.1.1: Currying allows binding of FIRST argument only (I mean you can't bind second this way). Is it true? It probably should be documented then.

4. Is it true that standard require for_each function object not to modify it's argument? If true the reference to the standard should be provided.

5. Did you do performance tests? Did you compare performace with other functional libraries. performance test should probably be added to the test section.

6. 5.2.1.: List of operators that could not be overloaded does not seem correct.

7. 5.2.6.: why don't you mention (_1 ->* $B::foo ) by itself could I passed it as function object somewhere?

8. 5.3.2.: did you mean set_j( int x ) CONST?



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