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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-27 07:01:28

From: "Jaakko Jarvi" <jajarvi_at_[hidden]>
> 2) The outermost return type deduction layer in LL works as
> return_type<Functor, argument_types>::type
> whereas in Phoenix the scheme introduced in FC++ is used:
> Functor::return_type<argument_types>::type
> Both are equally powerful,

No, they are not. You can't add a return_type nested template to a
third-party (or stdlib) function object. LL's approach is better.

> Strict/weak arity, etc. are interface issues and can go either way in
> either library, it's a matter of agreeing (and people seem to strongly
> believe in weakness).

Why do people insist on calling it "weak" arity? There is nothing weak about

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