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From: Jaakko Jarvi (jajarvi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-05 16:53:06


I've changed tuples a bit (not in CVS yet).

The elements used to be stored like this:

template <class HT, class TT>
struct cons {

  typedef HT head_type;
  head_type head;

  tail etc.

With this scheme, tuples cannot have void element types, nor
nonreference function types. Obviously a tuple cannot hold a void
object or a nonreference function object, but it would be nice to
be able to manipulate the type of such object:

For example, it should be ok to write:

typedef tuple<void, int()()> t;

This can be done by changing the code to:

// a class that cannot have instances:

template <class T> class non_storeable_type {

// if we have a plain function type or void, we use non_storeable_type
// otherwise this is an identity mapping

template <class T> struct wrap_non_storeable_type {
  typedef typename IF<
    boost::is_function<T>::value, non_storeable_type<T>, T
>::RET type;
template <> struct wrap_non_storeable_type<void> {
  typedef non_storeable_type<void> type;

} // detail

template <class HT, class TT>
struct cons {

  typedef HT head_type;

  typedef typename
    detail::wrap_non_storeable_type<head_type>::type stored_head_type;

  stored_head_type head;

Now stored_head_type will be the same as head_type except for void and
plain function types. In those cases, no object of the tuple type can be
created anyway, so it does not make a difference.

Any objections?

In sum, there should be no effects on any existing code, only that the
tuple element types can now represent any valid C++ type.

Cheers, Jaakko

-- Jaakko Järvi                       email: jajarvi_at_[hidden]
-- Post Doc Fellow                    phone: +1 (812) 855-3608
-- Pervasive Technology Labs          fax:   +1 (812) 855-4829
-- Indiana University, Bloomington

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