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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-07 10:10:30

From: "Eyal Farago" <eyalfa_at_[hidden]>
> I believe that this problem can be solved by explicitly defining non
> inlined destructors to your classes, and implementing them in cpp files
> that includes the full class definitions.
> I had a similar problem when I used smar pointers to incomplete types in
> my classes, what actually happens is that since the d'tor is inlined or
> defined implicitly ,its 'code' is generated in the first cpp that
> includes it, and then you get the compiler warning 'deletion of
> incomplete type...' that boost's checked_delete transforms into a
> compile time error.

This is no longer necessary if you are using the latest shared_ptr (but is
still the case with scoped_ptr.) If shared_ptr doesn't work with incomplete
types then this is a bug (either in shared_ptr or in the compiler ;-) )

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