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From: Sreekant Sreedharan (blue_panther_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-10 16:14:54

   The intent of my post is _not_ to suggest Petal as an option. It is
obvious that my implementation is truely deficient in a lot of areas. If
that is so, Petal is indeed _not_ the answer to the problem.

   But I am still left with a void... what is the answer?

   Loki seems to satisfy quiet a few of these problems.. Is there meaning in
looking at it as a basis for our ideas?

   As Gennadiy points out....

'First of all I would like to remark that I never meant to say any thing
against design patterns implementation in a code.'

   My problem truely is the same, is there a way we can do this? If so how?
Is is that UML (and other related visual techniques) is the only standard
way of expressing patterns?


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