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From: James S. Adelman (xh0u9005_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-04-14 07:28:28

I have uploaded some code based on that which has previously been discussed
on this list with respect to reordering of output to streams (a subset of the
various format codes). There are three parts to the code: (i) *bufmanip,
general base code for manipulations of streams which replace the associated
stream buffer with one which alters the output before forwarding it to the
stream buffer controlling the true output target; (ii) *reorder, an
implementation of code to allow typesafe output reordering using *bufmanip;
and (iii) *xor_crypt, another simple use of *bufmanip for applying xor
encryption to a stream (globally and transparently). The URL is .

James Adelman

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