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From: Paul Furnanz (Paul.Furnanz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-01 14:55:48

I have boost boost_1_27_0. I am using aCC version 3.30 with STLport
version 4.5.3. When I compile the simple test problem below:

   #include <boost/regex.hpp>
   #include <string>

   int main()
     boost::regex re("[ \t]+startSub[ \t]+");
     boost::match_results<std::string::iterator> matchInfo;
     std::string str("// reuse-pragma startSub ");
     return boost::regex_search(str.begin(), str.end(), matchInfo, re) ? 0 : 1;

I get the following error:

Error 619: "../include/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp", line 1765 # The definition of template iterator_traits<boost::detail::allocator_adapter<char,boost::detail::simple_alloc> > contains typename qualification '_Iterator::iterator_category', yet
    generation of specialization struct iterator_traits<boost::detail::allocator_adapter<char,boost::detail::simple_alloc> > implies that '_Iterator' is 'class allocator_adapter<char,boost::detail::simple_alloc>', which does not contain a type named
       return re_detail::reg_grep2(re_detail::grep_search_predicate<iterator,
Error 618: Exact position unknown; near ["../include/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp", line 1765]. # The definition of template iterator_traits<template#0> contains typename qualification '_Iterator::iterator_category', yet generation of
    specialization struct iterator_traits<template#0> implies that '_Iterator' is 'tentative class template#0', which is incomplete.
Error 445: "../include/boost/regex/detail/regex_match.hpp", line 1765 # Cannot recover from earlier errors.
       return re_detail::reg_grep2(re_detail::grep_search_predicate<iterator,

Thanks for any help,


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