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From: Douglas Gregor (gregod_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-06 23:01:37

On Monday 06 May 2002 09:13 pm, you wrote:
> > It's LGPL'd, so a Boost library could link against SDL (without including
> > as part of Boost).
> Sorry, of cource it's LGPL. So, BOOST policy does not prohibit using some
> third party tools for demonstration purposes, like you use popular David
> Turnes's Jam?
> If so, I'll rewrite all my examples, but before I intend to complete the
> docs and most probably to correct some things Jens Maurer indicated.
> McSeem

No, Boost does not prohibit the use of third party tools. There are several
examples in the Boost libraries: the Graph library has interfaces to LEDA and
graphviz, the Python library has the obvious Python interface, and the
Threads library uses third party tools for most of what it does. There is no
platform-independent way to put a pixel on a screen, so the best that we can
ask for is a platform-independent interface that can be fitted with a variety
of platform-specific implementations. An auxiliary goal of such an interface
is that it might help shape what a standardized, low-level graphics interface
might look like in C++.


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