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From: Herve Bronnimann (hbr_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-16 12:14:12

Hi Matthew, Jeremy:

> MWilso> Compiling with CV6 gives the following: [error messages deleted]
> MWilso> Does your library require a better STL such as STLport, or is it
> MWilso> intended to work with the stl implementation shipped with VC6?

No, the library does not require this, only the test file supplied with
it uses the std::iterator_traits<> that VC6 has problems with.

> Judging from the error messages, Herve is using std::iterator_traits on
> the iterator template parameter. You are passing in a pointer, and the
> VC++ iterator_traits doesn't work for pointers. The reason is that for
> iterator_traits to work for pointers, VC++ would have to support partial
> specialization. Luckily, the upcoming version of VC++ will fix this. Also,
> there may be a way for Herve to avoid using iterator_traits, perhaps by
> using the old iterator_category() workaround function.
Better: since it's only a test file, I've rewritten it to know the
value_type of the iterator (as an extra template parameter). No gimmicks

On a related note, there was a slight bug in last_min_last_max_element
when all the elements are identical. I corrected that as well.

I updated the files section:
Matthew, please let me know if the new version now works with VC6.
Thank you both for your suggestions,


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