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From: Patrick Bennett (patrick_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-05-29 15:27:41

David Abrahams wrote:
> It's not Boost's responsibility to build that library for you;

Sorry, but that library IS boost's library. Of course it's the Boost
build's responsibility !

> that's the name of the STLPort library which you have to link with if you're using
> STLPort in this case. STLPort has its own build procedure.

Yes, it does - one that builds a dll called stlport_vc645.dll and
(stlport_vc6_stldebug45.dll). I don't see a 'boost' in there anywhere,
do you? :\

Stlport's own libraries are most assuredly not called
'boost_regex_vc6-stlport_mdidd.lib' That's what the >regex< header is
defining as the import library for its own dll.

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